TD-S Totalcomp S Type


Digital output using ALCP (Advanced Load Cell Protocol). Fast RS485 communication. Bidirectional for both tension & compression loads. Address 01 to FF(Hex)(255 max addresses). Averaging 1 to 30,000 samples. Linearity and temperature compensated. 400,000 count output, 12VDC 125ma input, 20 ft 2 twisted pair cable, nickel plated steel, IP67. NTEP 97-101 S/M III & IIIL 10,000 div 200 lb thru 20,000 lb

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TD-S-300  300lb  2.00
 TD-S-500  500lb  3.00
 TD-S-1K  1,000lb  3.00
 TD-S-2K  2,000lb  3.00
 TD-S-2.5K  2,500lb  3.00
 TD-S-3K  3,000lb  5.00
 TD-S-5K  5,000lb  5.00
 TD-S-10K  10,000lb  5.00
 TD-S-20K  20,000lb  7.00

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