The TBOX converts 2 or 4 analogue load cells signals to a multichannel digital signal back to a controller. Each load cell signal is available at the controller. The TBOX is commonly used on multi-head machines to save on cabling all analogue channels back individually. The digital signal uses a daisy chain cabling configuration further saving on cabling complexity.
The TBOX is fitted with M12 connectors to provide easy connectivity. The M12 connection for the loadcells is a standard 5 pin connector and the M12 digital tail uses an 8-pin standard. Rinstrum supplies 8 pin M12 T connectors for simple ring networking with RS485. RS232 version can be used for single point applications working back to a PC or PLC.
The TBOX is ideal for machine builders with multiheaded weighing elements and is available through a design consultation.
How do you setup a TBOX?
A Rinstrum rinLINK provides a magnetically coupled optical link on the unit, for a convenient temporary connection to a laptop
The serial connection allows for download of software upgrades
Running the free Viewer program on the laptop gives easy access to the setup menu tree.
How do you cable multiple RS485 TBOX together?
The serial connection on the TBOX uses 8 wires with an M12 connector.
The RS485 digital connection can be connected in a ring configuration to reduce cabling using the T junction (MC8J1).
Alternately a multi drop configuration can be used if preferred or if there are limitations with the PLC (MC8J2 junction is used to support the cabling).
Rinstrum has a range of 8pin M12 connectors and cables.